The Soul Midwifery Pathway

We may all be Soul Midwives at heart, but it takes focused learning and dedication to become one.

In our continuous quest to provide the best education and support for our aspiring Soul Midwives, we are thrilled to unveil a range of new and innovative ways of learning. We understand that each individual’s path is unique, and so are their learning preferences.

That’s why we are constantly fine-tuning our courses to ensure they are exactly what is needed for the current times, providing diverse learning experiences that cater to various styles and schedules. This way, everyone can find a perfect fit that aligns with their aspirations and goals.

What’s more, we are proud to announce a simpler and more accessible pathway for those who dream of becoming a Soul Midwife. We recognise the passion and dedication that each of you brings to this sacred role, and we want to make the journey as smooth as possible. The new pathway is designed to streamline the process, making it easier for you to embark on this profound vocation.

Start here! You have a choice: either study directly with Felicity or one of her tutors via Zoom or join a TLC (Tender Loving Care) day with one of our experienced Soul Midwives who hold courses on Zoom and occasionally in person.

The Introductory Course

Run by the school and taught by Felicity Warner or one of her select tutors, this course is the foundation for your study of Soul Midwifery. What will you learn?

This is a 1 day course held via Zoom.

Life Skills - Tender Loving Care

TLC is a simplified hands on version of Soul Midwifery without the spiritual teachings. What will you learn?

This is a 1 day course often held via Zoom but may also occasionally be held locally in person.

Once you have introduced yourself to the world of Soul Midwifery by successfully completing one of the courses above you are free to further your education by taking one, or both of the in depth certificated Master Skills courses. If you successfully complete both these certificated courses you will receive your Diploma in Soul Midwifery to recognise the skills you have acquired and the study you have made of end of life care.

Holistic and Therapeutic Soul Midwifery

The Certificated Master Skills Course

This course looks at the dying process and how we can accompany someone entering the dying phase of life right up until death. We will look at skills and techniques to empower and support the dying process, both theoretical and therapeutic.

Gentle therapies make a big difference to well being as life diminishes and Soul Midwives use therapies in a specific way to help alleviate pain and suffering.

Through this course, you will learn to understand what the dying person faces, helping to create a more compassionate and supportive environment and holistic approach to address physical, emotional, and social needs.

This is a 2 day course held via Zoom.

Spiritual Soul Midwifery

The Certificated Master Skills Course

This course looks at deep spiritual (faith neutral) companionship at end of life. Spiritual care is the cornerstone of Soul Midwifery holistic end of life care and complements the Therapeutic Skills we offer.

This is a 2 day course held via Zoom.

The TLC Trainers Course

With your Diploma in hand you might consider learning how to share your knowledge by taking a TLC trainers course…

Run by the school and led by Felicity Warner, this course enables experienced Soul Midwives to offer TLC training, as featured above, to those seeking to learn more about Soul Midwifery. This is a one day course held via Zoom.

Continuous Professional Development

And, with, or without that Diploma you can certainly explore many of the fascinating CPD courses that the School organises.

We offer many exciting short courses which are open to all. These include topics such as Listening skills, Flower Essences, Threshold singing for the dying, Soul Midwifery for pets, Cooking for the dying, and many other fascinating death related topics.

We also offer a course of study for  Sacred Oils .These courses are great for CPD but also stand alone and are aimed at anyone who has an interest in understanding the ancient and esoteric wisdom of the Oils.

Post Diploma Mentoring Programme

If you have successfully completed both the Holistic and Therapeutic Soul Midwifery Course and the Spiritual Soul Midwifery course, then you will have received the coveted Soul Midwives Diploma which witnesses the breadth and depth of your study in End of Life care.

For those Soul Midwives who have gained their Diploma, and who wish to take their learning and experience further, we are proud to offer our Post Diploma Mentorship Programme.

At any point in your journey after you have completed one of the Introductions to Soul Midwifery you may wish to connect with your local Soul Midwives community. Reach out to the mentor in your area for more information.